St Luke's Lane Community Yard Sale, Garage Sale & Flea Market

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3111 St Lukes Lane, Windsor Mill, Maryland 21207, United States
St Luke's Lane Community Yard Sale, Garage Sale & Flea Market
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St Luke's Lane Community Yard Sale, Garage Sale & Flea Market

3111 St Lukes Lane, Windsor Mill, Maryland 21207, United States


Visit the Yard Sale, Garage Sale, Flea Market & Exchange. Sat & Sun 8am - 2pm
We welcome you to buy and sell items at our neighborhood weekend events.
Sellers' rent is $20 per day. Bring up to 2 tables and canopy for a 10 ft. wide vendor space

We welcome you to buy, sell and exchange items at our weekend Community Events. The rent to sell items is $20 per day. Bring up to 2 tables and a canopy per 10 ft wide seller space.

If you reserve your space and pay at least 3 days in advance you will receive a 20% Discount that will be credited for the following week's event if you cancel because of rain or storm.

411Business members will get 10% Discounts from seller space rentals. Paid members of 411Business will get a 20% discount from seller space rentals in addition to advance reservation payment discounts.

Advance payment reservations are recommended because we have a limited amount of seller spaces.

Cash, Bitcoin and Bitcoin Lightning payments are accepted via CashApp. We also accept Debit Cards and Major Credit Cards when presenting matching Government I.D. for verification.


Yard Sale
Flea Market

Video - Advertising & Internet Marketing Services


Closed Now
Sunday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm
Monday: Closed
Tuesday: Closed
Wednesday: Closed
Thursday: Closed
Friday: Closed
Saturday: 8:00 am - 3:00 pm


3111 St Lukes Lane, Windsor Mill, Maryland 21207, United States
Windsor Mill, Woodlawn, Woodmoor, Lochearn area near Liberty Road at the Beltway (Highway 695) Exit 18-A. From Liberty Road, turn onto Saint Luke's Lane, go up the hill, then a half mile. We are on the left side, just before the traffic signal at Essex Road.