Terms of Use - 411Business Network


The advertisers, members and others who publish information on this site are fully resposible for their respective content. This is a Family Freindly site that strictly prohibits the posting of: unethical, illegal or any other unlawful content and/or images. Please report any questionable content to 1@411Business.com

Advertisers and members are encouraged to provide discounts or other specials to members of 411Business to create partnersips and increase sales.

Example: Advertising members provide 10% discounts to members, plus pay a 1% service fee to 411Business, for a total 11% advertising cost based on business that result in sales. 

The 1% fee can be paid to $411Business via CashApp, or via Zelle to 1@411Business.com within 7 days of transactions.

Customers who provide ratings and reviews to 411Business with original receipts as proof of transaction from our members within 30 days, will receive online rewards.

411Business is a network of businesses, organizations and non-business members who participate in member discounts, ratings and reviews as published on this website.